Teeth Whitening : Know The Little Benefits

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening can help you achieve the bright, radiant smile you’ve always wanted. Are they looking stained, yellow, or brown? If you’re wondering why your teeth are not looking like the Hollywood pearly whites the celebrities flash on the silver screen, there are several reasons why this could be, including:

  • Stains from too much smoking
  • Stains from too much coffee or tea consumption
  • Discoloration from some medications and medical treatments
  • Hereditary factors

Did you know that since 2011, there has been a steady increase in the use of teeth whitening year after year? This means that more people than ever are using over-the-counter products to whiten their teeth.

The biggest issue with using consumer-grade tooth whiteners is that these products are just not as powerful as the excellent tooth whitening procedures offered by Dr Jeffrey B. Van Orman at The Van Orman Dental Group. Over 20 years of experience means that you’ll be in excellent hands.

The importance of a smile

Our smiles are important to us as social creatures. We use them during conversation when we laugh, when we flirt, and when we are discussing everything from the weather to the state of national politics. When we have stained or discolored teeth, we might feel ashamed, embarrassed, and unwilling to engage with others. In some cases, it can even lead to anxiety and depression.

If you’re suffering in silence and you’re too ashamed to smile because your teeth are not as bright and white as they could be, Dr Jeffrey B. Van Orman can help. A professional teeth whitening treatment is much stronger than the over-the-counter consumer products that people often buy, and will leave your teeth bright and white.

The other benefits of a whiter smile

Obviously, being able to flash your pearly whites around will lead to more self-confidence, but there are actually some other benefits you might not have considered, including:

  • Greater oral care: Once you’ve had your teeth whitening, the chances are that you’ll take even better care of your teeth going forward. That’s right: having professional teeth whitening done by Dr Jeffrey B. Van Orman could mean that you take greater care of them in the future because you don’t want to lose that blinding smile!
  • You’ll seem younger: A brighter set of teeth will definitely make you want to smile more as you feel more confident. The interesting thing is that when people smile more, they seem younger to other people. In one study published in Psychology and Aging, by Manuel C. Voelkle of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, it was found that a face featuring a happy smile was more likely to be perceived as younger by other people. If you ever wanted a quick and easy way to lose a few years, teeth whitening might just be the best way to do it! Teeth whitening is the perfect solution for achieving a brighter, more confident smile.
  • More success in love: When we feel great about ourselves, we tend to attract people to us. Imagine having a professional teeth whitening service done and finding that your love life has suddenly improved? The fact is that when you’re smiling more and taking better care of your new pearly whites, you’re far more likely to attract love into your life. People will also take one look at your smiling face and see that you take good care of yourself.

Let us help you regain your confidence

Your smile says so much about who you are and what you have to offer. Why let stained and discolored teeth ruin your life? Here at The Van Orman Dental Group in Lake Oswego, OR, Jeffrey Van Orman, DMD, can help you get the white and bright smile that you deserve.

Call us or book an appointment online.